
Saturday, February 14, 2009

MTV, The Way It Used To Be!

Hey, I just upgraded my TV to HD, and of course had to sign up for HD programming through Comcast.

Because of this, I found a great HD station that has some awesome music programming. I haven't seen so many live concerts since MTV stopped playing music, and they are all filmed and broadcast in HD! How sweet is that?!

If you haven't heard of it, it is called Palladia, and has been on the air since 2006. It was originally called MHD (Music HD), and is actually owned by MTV Networks.

Since I have discovered the network, I have seen live performances by Sheryl Crow, Dave Matthews, John Mayer, Rush, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Coldplay, Elvis Costello, you name it!

I even found more new music (at least I hadn't discovered it until now) from the Isle of Wight Festival, an annual Woodstock-like gathering in Great Britain.

One of my favorites was Paolo Nutini. Here is the video (in "slightly less" than HD quality):

For more information about Palladia go to

To check out the studio version of "New Shoes", get the "These Streets" CD below. This is a great CD!