
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Welcome to the Beat Writer!

A critic? I wouldn't really call myself that. I am just a fan. There are few things in this world that can make you feel, I don't know, alive?, relaxed?, sad?, angry?, satisfied? Or is it just that? Yeah. There are few things in the world that just make you FEEL, like the sound of a good song makes you feel.

And when I hear a good song, or a good artist, or something odd or interesting, I like to share it with people. And by share it, I don't mean illegally download the files off of the internet, and then make copies for everyone that I know. That's not sharing. Especially with artists that I enjoy. Why would I want to steal from them? Sure, some of them are multi-millionaires, and maybe they can afford it. So what? They made music for my enjoyment, and if I like it, I will buy it. Besides, I like to OWN my music. I like the CD artwork, the lyrics, the credits, everything. I want to know who wrote the song, and who plays each instrument.

And the sound? Why would anyone have the need to have 40,000 ultra-compressed songs in mp3 format? Most of the time, they sound like crap! It took the music industry years and years and years to get the music to CD quality, and now you just want to compress all that great sound down to a size small enough to download? Not me. I would be happier with just ONE good song on CD. I didn't suffer through eight-tracks and cassettes just to revert back to bad music later.

Anyway, here is my first post, and I am already on a rant! This should be fun. I will do my best to cover as much music as I possibly can, and give you my honest opinion about it, if anyone really wants to know what I think. I will try to get as much info as I can about the artists and music, and post videos when I can, too. I will also leave links for you to buy the CD's off of, so that you can experience the music too. Please, buy them if you like them. I want all musicians to get paid for their work. Thanks and enjoy.

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